President’s Coiner

President's Coiner

Cutcliff stepping down as president

As you should all know by now, I’m stepping down as your president at the end of this year. I’m not leaving MCCA, only leaving the president’s seat. I’ve been an active member of our wonderful club since 1999. After working two years (2001-2002) as your vice president, and 12 years as president (2003-2014), I […]

President's Coiner


As with everything this fall, this issue of my bi-monthly column suffers from scheduling problems and is not where it should be when it should be there. My bad. I demonstrate the same timing with my attendance at the last couple of meetings. My youngest daughter is a senior at UGA this year, so I’m

President's Coiner

Club is looking for a new president

Welcome to the July/August “summer” edition of the President’s Coiner. Hopefully you’re reading this from a comfortable chair in an air conditioned environment. Please take the time to peruse the information that follows. I’ve included some house-keeping items as well as coin information that you can use in the immediate future. MCCA is looking for

President's Coiner

Successor sought

MCCA held an exceptional 50th anniversary party at the Sage Woodfire Tavern off Ashford Dunwoody Road March 29th. The Party was attended by 72 MCCA members and Guests, which was a record attendance for any MCCA event or party during my 12 year tenure as President. John Lyons and his party committee did an outstanding

President's Coiner

What a start to the year!

Wow, what a start to the numismatic year! First there was the FUN show in January. Great attendance, great auctions, and the largest number of listed dealers ever in attendance with over 630 companies represented. FUN was huge! A number of people from the club were there working a club table for GNA/MCCA. My thanks

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