As you should all know by now, I’m stepping down as your president at the end of this year. I’m not leaving MCCA, only leaving the president’s seat. I’ve been an active member of our wonderful club since 1999. After working two years (2001-2002) as your vice president, and 12 years as president (2003-2014), I believe it’s time for some new blood in the first seat at the front table. I’m hopeful that someone with younger children is interested in the position. My two girls grew up coming to the meetings with me, and it was a great experience. They were active in their preteen years with the club’s young numismatists program as many of our children members are today. My oldest daughter Hannah, at age 24, is still active to some extent and has a nice collection of ancient coins. My youngest daughter Sarah constantly reminds me that she still collects too, but only money she can spend (oh well, one out of two isn’t bad)!
I plan to stay active in numismatics and remain in the hobby. Not having to prepare two Friday nights a month for the meetings and having attendance optional Saturdays will seem like a vacation in the short run. Not being a club officer will provide me the time and opportunity to spread out and investigate other numismatic endeavors. I hope to get more active in educational exhibits at our regional coin shows. I hope to have time to work on a hometown bank exhibit for the First National Bank of Marietta, Georgia (Charter #3830). I look forward to doing some foreign travelling, a new experience that my wife introduced me to last year that I greatly enjoy. So, I’m not leaving MCCA, just changing seats.
We’ve had some great times over the last several years with the bullion guessing game, field trips, auctions, staffing coins shows, Christmas parties, hosting ANA shows, educational talks, and the general meetings. We’ve had interesting times when the room was locked, refreshments forgotten, or the building closed on meeting night. I wouldn’t trade any of it for all the silver in China! I’ve met many wonderful people through MCCA and consider some of them my closest friends. I’ve learned more about numismatics while being at MCCA than all the previous years before I joined. Being a member of MCCA is one of the best bargains in Atlanta, and I hope we can continue to spread the word and bring more people to us.
I’m hopeful that the new leadership will bring new and exciting ideas to MCCA. Now that my girls have grown up my emphasis, not interest, has changed. I look forward to participating in MCCA from a different perspective in the future. I know that MCCA will go forward as good or better than before, and I want you all to know that I will volunteer as a member to help it get there. It’s been a pleasure to be your president for the past 12 years. I’ve enjoyed every meeting, and look forward to attending as a general member under the new leadership. I’ll see you for the last two meetings in December, and at the Christmas party on December 14. I’m not going anywhere, so I won’t say “goodbye,” just “see ya later!”