Join host David Crenshaw and presenter John Phipps for the club’s inaugural educational webinar series. The webinars are in lieu of the club’s canceled meetings during these unprecedented times of the coronavirus pandemic and will be live the first and third Saturday each month at 7:00 p.m. ET if there are presenters.
Saturday, May 2, Phipps will present “The 100th Anniversary of the Opening of the Manila Mint” starting at 7:00 p.m. ET: A history of the building that housed the Mint of the Philippine Islands will be presented with images. Construction started in 1823. The building on this site has fallen victim to fires, earthquakes and wars. It has been rebuilt and renamed many times. The mint was formally opened on July 15, 1920 and in operation for about 20 years. Today, it sits in ruins waiting to see what the future brings.
Information on how to join a webinar will be given in future MCCA newsletters. This information will also be posted on the website.
In the meantime, to volunteer to be a webinar presenter, please contact David Crenshaw via email at dcnumisma@outlook.com.