New Search & Save™ Coin Books on Dimes, Quarters, and Half Dollars

Whitman Publishing announces the release of two new volumes in its series of combination book-albums trademarked under the name Search & Save. Each new volume consists of a 96-page hardcover book bound with a Whitman Classic Coin Album page for storing and displaying a customized coin collection. The Search & Save volumes are intended for beginning to intermediate hobbyists, as a fun way to introduce newcomers to active coin collecting. Volume 5 covers dimes and quarters, and volume 6 covers half dollars. Each retails for $9.95 and is available from booksellers and hobby shops nationwide, and online (including at

The Whitman Classic® Coin Album page has protective plastic slides that are inserted on each side of the page’s openings, holding each coin firmly in place while allowing its obverse and reverse to be displayed.

Many of the Search & Save coins can be collected from circulation. Others require some hunting at local coin shops, online, or at a coin show. The two new volumes discuss coins going back to the earliest years of the Philadelphia Mint, in the 1790s. Their album pages start with more common and easily collectible coins beginning with the Capped Bust types of the early 1800s.

“Readers of our Search & Save books learn about each coin in the context of American and world history, and enjoy the fun and pride of building their own valuable collections,” said Whitman publisher Dennis Tucker. “The books encourage readers to explore beyond their pocket change, to build relationships with coin dealers and go to coin shows. When they’re done, they not only have a personalized coin collection, but they can tell each coin’s story and share them with their friends and family.”

Search & Save: Old U.S. Dimes and Quarters begins with a richly illustrated chapter on the history of coinage in America. It includes chapters on Capped Bust, Liberty Seated, and Barber dimes and quarters of the 1800s and early 1900s, Mercury dimes, Standing Liberty quarters, Roosevelt dimes, and Washington quarters. A final chapter gives advice on collecting each coin type. The book’s album page provides openings to assemble a collection of 16 different coins dating from the early 1800s to today.

Search & Save: U.S. Half Dollars offers a colorful exploration of American commerce and coinage from the colonial era to the start of the Philadelphia Mint in 1792. Subsequent chapters cover Capped Bust, Liberty Seated, and Barber half dollars (spanning from 1807 to 1915), Liberty Walking half dollars, Franklin half dollars, and Kennedy half dollars. A special chapter explores the field of U.S. commemorative half dollars from 1892 to date, and a final chapter tells how to collect each coin type. The book’s album page allows the collector to display 12 coins of different types and varieties, ranging from Capped Bust half dollars of the early 1800s to today’s Kennedys, plus three of their favorite commemorative half dollars.

The first four Search & Save books covered Lincoln cents, nickels, State quarters, and America the Beautiful quarters.

Because Whitman Publishing is the Official Supplier of the American Numismatic Association, ANA members receive 10% off the Search & Save books when purchasing directly.

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