ANA Board of Governors Commits to Pittsburgh for 2023 Show

The American Numismatic Association Board of Governors voted on July 14 to officially cancel the 2020 World’s Fair of Money. The show was originally scheduled for August 4-8 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; however, COVID-19 restrictions made continuing with the Pittsburgh event unfeasible, and the Board voted in mid-June to postpone the event while it considered alternate sites and dates. The July 14 vote effectively terminated any further research and planning for a replacement location for the 2020 show given the current coronavirus situation and the inability of the ANA to assure the safety of its members, dealers, staff and visitors.
The Board did commit to Pittsburgh as the site for the 2023 World’s Fair of Money, recognizing the outstanding planning developed by the local host committee in preparing for the cancelled 2020 show, provided that comparative contractual arrangements can be made.
“Although we share the disappointment of collectors and dealers in cancelling the 2020 World’s Fair of Money, it is the right decision given the wide range of uncertainties we currently face,” says ANA President Steve Ellsworth. “We’re appreciative of our partners, specifically official convention auctioneers Heritage Auctions and Stack’s Bowers Galleries, for their understanding and support of this decision. In the meantime,this action enables the ANA staff to refocus its maximum efforts and efficiencies towards the organization’s emergence and growth out of the pandemic crisis.”
The American Numismatic Association’s convention has only been cancelled twice before: in 1918 during the flu pandemic and again in 1945 because of World War II.
Although the show itself will not be held, collectors can still attend convention events online, including Money Talks and the Sundman Lecture Series. These presentations and lectures are free to attend but registration is required. ANA awards presentations that were scheduled at the 2020 World’s Fair of Money also will be held virtually.
“We look forward to welcoming collectors to the March 11-13 National Money Show® in Phoenix and to the 2021 World’s Fair of Money in Rosemont (Chicago), Illinois, August10-14,” says Ellsworth.