The Metropolitan Coin Club of Atlanta’s annual auction will be held during the club’s Saturday, November 2, 2019, meeting. This will also be the last meeting at the North DeKalb Cultural Arts Center. Future meetings will be held at the City of Dunwoody’s new North Shallowford Annex. (See MCCA is Moving!)
The auction will benefit the club’s scholarships for the American Numismatic Association summer seminars and technical series seminars. The Summer Seminar is an annual opportunity for numismatic learning and camaraderie that offers students a varied selection of week-long courses designed for discovery or continued study. The Technical Series Seminars offer high-quality, hands-on numismatic learning opportunities, for example, grading U.S. coins and U.S. counterfeit coins detection.
The auction will take the place of the club’s regular educational program. Pizza, soft drinks, and desserts will be provided by the club.
The club’s good friend and professional auctioneer Lindsey Goff will be the auctioneer. Goff is the owner of Mr. Coin, Conyers, Georgia, and the current president of the Rockdale Coin Club.
“To have a successful auction, you need three things,” says Goff. “Plenty of quality items, a large crowd, and active bidders!”
Submit your donations to the club’s secretary Marvin Dudek or any of the other club officers—Tom Youngblood, Glen Varza, or Marc Kosanovich—at the two October meetings. You may also submit items before the start of the November 2 meeting. In lieu of donating items, cash donations are accepted.
We hope to see everyone at the November 2 club auction! Bring a friend and bid high and bid often!